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Dr. Pamela Wiegartz

Dr. Wiegartz is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of anxiety and OCD-related disorders using state-of-the-art CBT, Exposure, and Mindfulness-Based therapies.  A recognized expert in treating anxiety and OCD, she has extensive experience working with adults and has particular expertise in perinatal anxiety.   She is a member of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, The National Register of Health Service Psychologists, and a Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.


Dr. Wiegartz is a Lecturer at Harvard Medical School and the co-author of three books on anxiety: Ten Simple Solutions to Worry, The Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook, and The Worrier's Guide to Overcoming Anxious Procrastination.  




B.A. in Psychology - Illinois Wesleyan University 1992
M.S. in Psychology - Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School 1995
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology - Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School 1999
APA-approved Predoctoral Internship - University of Illinois at Chicago
Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Illinois at Chicago, Specialty Anxiety Disorders 2000


Director, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Clinic - University of Illinois at Chicago 7/00-8/08

Owner and Director, Anxiety and OCD Treatment Center 9/08-2/10

Director, CBT Services and Training - Brigham and Women's Hospital 2/10-4/14

Clinician and Consultant - Stress and Anxiety Treatment and Consulting Services 9/14-12/18

Associate Director of Psychology, Clinical Services - Brigham and Women's Hospital 4/19-present

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